
Windows how to make a program run at startup
Windows how to make a program run at startup

I’m handing you a reasonable and quick, supportable, and fairly standard way to create the “Launch on startup” until you can code it in the UI (which is the real answer, but takes longer. This takes you to the directory holding every program that. Press Enter on the keyboard once you’ve copied and pasted it. Open Windows Explorer and type or paste the following in the address bar: APPDATA MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup. Same place in the script you ask if the use want to run the application post-install “.onInstSuccess”. Make a shortcut on the desktop to the application you want to run at startup. With NSIS, you can add a checkbox to ask if you want to install the startup item too. Again, similar for other OSs and their installers.

windows how to make a program run at startup

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windows how to make a program run at startup

This took about 15 minutes for me to: find that exists, install it, find the exe the stub downloaded into the Local\Temp folder, and discover it was a NSIS installer, look at the scripting language to find this link.

Windows how to make a program run at startup